A view of the road and funeral home in Crossmolina. Image from Google Maps

Community petition for road safety works at north Mayo funeral home

A COMMUNITY petition has been launched in Crossmolina for road safety concerns to be addressed at the local funeral home.

The petition is urging the local authorities to prioritise the installation of footpaths and additional lighting near Hiney's Funeral Home, on the Ballina road.

You can sign the petition on the change.org platform here: https://chng.it/2v5hFyGfsk.

Sharing details, the Crossmolina Community Facebook page highlighted how a car accident occurred outside the funeral home last weekend. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, however the situation could have been a lot worse.

Appealing for support, it set out: 'We must come together as a community to address a crucial safety concern. This accident serves as a stark reminder that we need to take proactive measures to ensure the safety of everyone in our community and also all the thousands of people who come to pay respects to our loved ones who lay in repose in Hiney's Funeral Home every year.

'It is imperative that we lobby our local council and government members to prioritise the construction of footpaths and additional lighting around Hiney's Funeral Home. This will not only enhance the overall safety in the area but also prevent potential accidents in the future.

'We cannot stress enough the importance of community involvement in this matter. By uniting our voices, we can make a significant impact on the decision-making process.'

Members of the public are urged to sign the petition asking the authorities to prioritise the installation of footpaths and additional lighting near the funeral home.

They are also asked to send their concerns by email to Mayo County Council executive engineer Orla Bourke at obourke@mayoco.ie and head of roads Paul Dolan at pdolan@mayococo.ie, and to CC Councillor Loftus at cllrmloftus@mayococo.ie in their correspondence.