Do Not Consume Notice lifted for Mulranny Public Water Supply

A Do Not Consume Notice for the Mulranny Public Water Supply has been lifted with immediate effect.

Uisce Éireann can confirm that, following consultation with the Health Service Executive, customers can now resume normal use of the water supply.

The notice, which was issued on Monday last, January 8, was put in place to protect the health of customers following the failure of a pumping system at the local water treatment plant. This failure caused higher than permissible levels of the coagulant aluminium sulphate salt to enter the water network. This coagulant is an important element in the purification process of water treatment.

Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann worked to lift the notice as quickly and safely as possible and following satisfactory water samples the Do Not Consume notice has been lifted with immediate effect.

Uisce Eireann’s Colette Scahill acknowledged the impact on homes and businesses and thanked the community for their support while it was in place.

She said: “Uisce Éireann’s primary focus is always the protection of public health and we worked with our stakeholders to lift the notice as quickly as possible. We are grateful to customers, elected representatives and the media for their assistance in sharing information on the Do Not Consume Notice.”