Access to cash legislation receives government approval - Mayo senator

MAYO Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers has welcomed government approval for her party colleague Minister for Finance Michael McGrath’s access to cash legislation.

Under the legislation, shops and pharmacies will be required to accept cash as part of plans to keep physical money in the economy, given that some people prefer to use it.

The legislation will also give the Central Bank powers to compel banks to provide ATMs in areas where people have difficulty withdrawing cash.

Senator Chambers said: “Despite the move towards digital forms of payment, there are still many people right across the country whose preference it is to carry out their business using cash. There is also a cohort of people, particularly older people or people in rural areas, who may not be comfortable moving to completely cashless payments.

“I welcome government’s approval for the access to cash legislation because I firmly believe that people without access to online or electronic payment structures, or those who simply prefer to use cash, must continue to have alternative options to pay for services.”

She continued: “The legislation outlines maximum distances between ATMs in rural areas, so that people will not have to travel far to access cash. We will ensure that people are not left behind or financially excluded.”