A group of children singing for the attendance.

Fifteen nationalities mingle at Mayo community party

Over 400 people attended a recent multinational community party in Breaffy House Hotel.

It was organised by a committee of international protection (IP) and Ukrainian refugees who are staying in the adjoining Breaffy Woods Hotel and sports arena. Breaffy Community Council also helped to facilitate the event.

It is estimated that a total of 15 different nationalities were represented at the party, which took place in the hotel’s main function room.

Along with those staying in Breaffy Woods, the party was also attended by over 40 local people while local councillors Al McDonnell and Ger Deere were also present.

Food was provided by Breaffy House under the leadership of head chef Dean Diplock. Music for the event was coordinated by Julieanne Hennelly from Breaffy.

Children from all over the world now living in Breaffy were a central part of the event and they sang and danced songs from their own culture as well as some Irish songs.

Top class traditional Irish music was performed by Julieanne Hennelly and Eibhlín Gallagher.

“It was a very well-planned event and there was a wonderful atmosphere there on the day. Great credit must go to the organising committee,” said Martin Reddington, chairperson of Breaffy Community Council.

“Everybody, particularly the local people who attended, really enjoyed themselves. It was a wonderful opportunity for local people to interact with the IPs from different countries and to hear their stories. Hopefully we will have more of these events in the future,” he added.

Tom Canavan, Breaffy, was one of the local people in attendance.

“It was a most enjoyable experience and it was so humbling to meet such kind and generous people,” he said.