Lahardane GP surgery will be fully operational next week

THE new Lahardane GP will be in residence from tomorrow (Thursday) and the surgery will be fully operational from Wednesday, February 7.

The news was confirmed this morning by Deputy Michael Ring.

He explained: “I am delighted to confirm that the new GP in Lahardane will be in residence from tomorrow, Thursday, February 1, where the community can call in and collect their forms for transferring back to the Lahardane Practice. Then from next Wednesday, February 7, the practice will be fully operational.”

Deputy Ring continued: “This is tremendous news for the people of Lahardane and the surrounding areas.

“This hugely positive development is testament to the community spirit demonstrated by this wonderful community. William Barrett and the whole community worked hard to ensure that a GP service would be restored to Lahardane.

“Every single day since October 1, 2023, the door was open in this surgery by the local people who promised to stay there until a GP was appointed.

“I have been involved with this community since the beginning and I can only commend everyone for the campaign they ran.

“I again wish to compliment Gerry Loftus on instigating this campaign and dedicating so much time and energy to it too.

“I also want to thank the HSE for working with the local community to bring this to a successful conclusion.

“People power, working with their local representatives, works so well when everyone comes together.

“I am delighted for the community of Lahardane and surrounding areas that they will once again have a fully operational GP service. People will be able to access medical services in their locality.

“I know this matter caused immense stress and worry and I am very pleased that a successful outcome was reached.”