'Enough is Enough', says the IFA. Photo: IFA.ie.

Farmers holding demonstration in Castlebar this evening

THE IFA is holding a countrywide show of solidarity with fellow European farmers this evening (Thursday).

The Mayo demonstration will take place in Castlebar, meeting at 7 p.m. at MacHale Park.

IFA president Francie Gorman said: “Farmers here have been watching the protests across Europe. They are just as frustrated by what is happening as farmers in other countries.

“They feel they are being regulated out of business by Brussels bureaucrats and Department of Agriculture officials who are far removed from the reality of day-to-day farming.

“Irish farmers are pro-EU, but there is mounting frustration about the impact of EU policy on European farmers, and its implementation here in Ireland. The general feeling amongst farmers across the EU is that ‘enough is enough'.”

Speaking in advance of the event, the Aontú representative for Mayo, Mr. Paul Lawless, commented: “Farmers have been very hard done by this government. The increase in the cost of farm fertiliser has crippled farmers.

“The Mercosur trade agreement by the EU with South America will decimate the Irish beef farmer and is incredibly bad for the environment when we consider the fact that beef production down there involves deforestation, overgrazing and forest fires at a colossal scale, not to mention the carbon footprint associated with transporting the product to the EU.”

Mr. Lawless continued: “We need to support and promote Irish beef farmers. Aontú has introduced a bill to ban the below-cost sale of beef, which would ensure the farmer gets at least a break-even price from the supermarkets and factories.

“The shocking increases over the past couple of years in the cost of fuel has had a detrimental impact on farm profits. The government has admitted to us that in recent years more tax was taken in on fuel than ever before - this despite the percentage tax going down, but because the raw cost went up.

“Aontú was the only party to vote against the climate action bill and we did so because we knew it would lead to carbon tax. We also oppose attempts to cull the herd.

“The demonstration is happening this evening, February 1, at 7 p.m., meeting at MacHale Park, Castlebar. I would urge everyone in the county to get out and support our farmers.”