The Innovation Quarter in the former military barracks in Ballina.

Election candidate proposes location for public toilets in north Mayo capital

A BALLINA election candidate wants to see public toilets provided for in the new Innovation Quarter in the town's former military barracks.

The call has come from Willie Nolan, who is a candidate for the Ballina Municipal District in the summer council elections.

With the near completion of the new Innovation Quarter in the former military barracks in Ballina, Mr. Nolan has asked the public to support his campaign to have public toilets installed in the building, which would also facilitate people with disabilities.

On his social media, he explained: “After meeting many people while canvassing in the hope of being elected in the upcoming local elections, people have pointed out to me issues that need addressing in the town. One that keeps coming up is that lack of public toilets.

“There is nowhere for anyone who needs to use facilities, whether they are locals, wheelchair users, or the many tourists that visit north Mayo every year. This has to be addressed.

“I believe there is a solution now with the new Innovation Quarter and they could easily be incorporated there.”