Aontú Mayo representative Paul Lawless will be joined by party leader Peadar Tóibín at Monday's meeting in Claremorris.

Public meeting to discuss 'strained' services in Claremorris area

A PUBLIC meeting to discuss deteriorating local services is taking place in Claremorris Town Hall on Monday, February 12, at 8 p.m.

It is being hosted by Aontú's local election candidate Paul Lawless and party leader Peadar Tóibín will also speak.

Speaking in advance of the meeting, Mr. Lawless said: “Local services have never been as strained. Claremorris is suffering from a sheer lack of investment in local services. This is more important than ever before given the significant increase in our population.

“The inability of the government to develop a coordinated plan for Claremorris is laid bare as healthcare, education and policing services are stretched beyond capacity. At the same time the farming community is also under threat.”

On healthcare, he said GP waiting times are now two to three weeks, with Mayo University Hospital in a 'continuous crisis', with little additional bed capacity added despite growth in population.

Educational institutions in the town are also under pressure as the population rises.

On policing, he explained how Claremorris Garda Station is the only 24-hour station in the south and east of the county - 'a vast geographical region which is dangerously exposed'.

“The people of Claremorris and the surrounding areas deserve a strong and adequately resourced Garda force,” he commented.

Farmers are also under pressure, he continued, stating: "Every year there are fewer and fewer farmers. The government is driving down farm incomes through taxation and increased regulations. Supermarkets and factories are also squeezing every last cent from farmers.

“This has the effect of making huge profits at one end of the food chain while driving farmers' income to the floor.”

Mr. Lawless invited the community to attend the meeting, put forward their views 'and come together to look for solutions'.