Advice issued as Mayo community benefit fund set to distribute €650,000

The Oweninny Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund will distribute almost €650,000 to Mayo community groups and clubs this year.

Up to 20% of that is targeted at small scale capital projects away from the vicinity of the wind farm – the remaining is for those applying in the county category.

Applications close at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1.

Amounts of up to €6,500 have been awarded to projects in previous years.

Ballina did extremely well with €37,000 in funding in the last round, including the Father Peyton Centre, which received €5,000.

No projects benefited in the Castlebar Municipal District, including Lahardane, Parke, Ross and Crimlin.

Brendan Lavelle, chairman, Keenagh Development Committee, has encouraged community groups and clubs in the Castlebar area to get their funding applications to Mayo County Council ahead of the deadline.

He said: "Once they've done that, they should pick up the phone and ring every councillor and tell them it’s Castlebar's turn now to benefit from this scheme."