Rank and file Gardaí are dissatisfied with leadership

Garda Representative Association opts not to invite Commissioner to conference in Mayo

The Garda Representative Association (GRA) has made a controversial decision ahead of its upcoming annual conference in Westport, choosing not to extend an invitation to Garda Commissioner Drew Harris.

This move comes amidst growing discontent among rank-and-file Gardaí over the return to pre-COVID roster arrangements, which they argue adversely impact their work-life balance.

Members of the GRA, representing frontline Gardaí, have expressed frustration over the decision to revert to pre-pandemic rosters. During the height of the COVID-19 crisis, emergency rostering measures were implemented, providing officers with what they considered to be a more sustainable work-life balance.

However, with the return to previous rostering systems, concerns have been raised regarding increased workloads and decreased flexibility.

Solicitor and former Garda, Patrick Horan, has shed light on the sentiments within the Garda ranks, emphasising the widespread frustration among officers regarding the roster issue. This dissatisfaction has culminated in the GRA's decision not to invite Commissioner Drew Harris to their annual conference, the move is seen as a clear message of discontent to Garda management.

The exclusion of the Commissioner from the conference shows the gravity of the situation and the urgency with which rank-and-file Gardaí seek a resolution to their concerns. It highlights a significant rift between frontline officers and Garda management.