Planning to be submitted for west Mayo age-friendly apartments project

PLANS for 18 age-friendly apartments in Westport are being submitted for approval.

The proposed apartments are to be developed at the former convent site in Westport as part of the overall wider redevelopment of the site.

Councillor Peter Flynn has confirmed that planning for the apartments is being submitted by housing agency Tuath, with the development to be completed in two years' time approximately.

Details of the planning application were published on Mayo County Council's website today.

He commented: “Sadly, after over 15 years of neglect and anti-social behaviour, the entire building, including the chapel/sacristy, is now wrecked but every effort will be made to retain some of the chapel and have it form part of the community area.

“With the new library, civic offices, social services centre and community rooms going to tender in the next two weeks, it is a relief to finally see some real progress after years of ambivalence and foot dragging in respect of this project.”