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Mayo greenway public consultation event ends abruptly and in controversy

by Caoimhín Rowland

Mayo County Council, in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, today hosted a public consultation event in Cronin’s Pub, Rosbeg, Westport, to hear concerns of local landowners about a new greenway route to run from Murrisk to Belclare - but the event ended abruptly amid controversy and confusion.

The scenic route proposed, which is one of many “temporary suggestions” by planners about the project, has irked some landowners in the area.

At the centre of today's controversy is a particular stretch of the proposed route along the Owenwee River, or The Belclare, as it is also known locally.

Gerry Gannon, a resident along the mapped route in Kiladangan, showed videos of land liable to flooding.

“Farmers have been told not to touch this river, it’s protected and yet now they are going to put a greenway through it,” he said.

Patrick Slevin, another resident, explained the council delegation would not answer questions from the group, insisting on speaking only to individuals on a one-to-one basis.

He explained: "We tried to engage with them as a group but they refused and the event was eventually shut down.

"They did not say when the cost benefit analysis or multi-criteria assessment would be made public.

"We were left with no option but to leave."

The public consultation was due to remain open until 6.30 p.m. but it ended shortly after 3 p.m. as the frustrations of the residents were laid bare to officials.

Councillor Johnny O’Malley said: “I cannot see the proposed route going ahead.

"Nobody present is in favour of it. It’s a tranquil valley of rich wildlife where planners haven’t sought landowners' permission.”

Councillor O’Malley stated he will go with the landowners to the High Court if the land is compulsorily purchased.

Mayo County Council is expected to issue a statement on the next course of action in regard to the consultation process.