Health budget cuts 'not impacting' on home help provision in Mayo
The recent cuts to health expenditure in Mayo is not unduly impacting on the employment of home helps across the county.
The news has been conveyed to Councillor Michael Kilcoyne at today's meeting of the HSE West Forum.
John Fitzmaurice, chief officer, Community Healthcare West, said his organisation continues to recruit Health Support Care Assistants (HSCA) throughout Mayo, Galway and Roscommon.
He continued: "The 2024 National Service Plan (NSP) outlines the health and social care services that will be provided nationwide with an allocated budget of €23.5billion.
"This is 4.6% above the 2023 budget.
"The number of home helps currently employed is 219.
"There are also 19 tendered home support providers providing services in Mayo.
"No home help agency staff are employed in Mayo."