Derelict sites on Barrack Street, Castlebar.

Mayo TD calls for staged payments on vacant grants

Deputy Alan Dillon has called on the government to help applicants in accessing funding for vacant properties.

"The introduction of a staged payment system for the Croí Cónaithe scheme, which targets vacant and derelict properties, could be highly advantageous for potential homeowners," Deputy Dillon said.

Currently the scheme offers up to €50,000 for the renovation of a vacant property and up to €70,000 if the property is in a derelict state, with the aim of using it as a primary residence or for rental purposes. Currently, potential buyers require immediate access to funds at the point of purchase and refurbishment.

Deputy Dillon said, “In Mayo, the Vacant Homes office of Mayo County Council has processed nearly 400 applications from property owners. This has the potential to significantly alter the landscape of our towns and rural villages. While a thorough review and evaluation of the Croí Cónaithe fund scheme is currently in progress and is anticipated to be finished by mid-2024, the findings of this review will play a crucial role in the future development of the scheme.”

“The adoption of a phased payment structure, similar to the standard practice in domestic construction where payments are made following each stage of work upon inspection, could effectively address this issue. Such a system would not only ensure the efficient use of state funds but also provide significant relief to scheme applicants and future homeowners by reducing the financial burdens of upfront costs.”

He added, "by allowing payments in instalments, we can eliminate the need for temporary financial solutions, such as using savings or borrowing from credit unions or family, which applicants currently rely on with the intention to repay once they receive the full grant. The implementation of staged payments would greatly alleviate this stress.”

Deputy Dillon highlighted the role of Mayo County Council’s full-time Vacant Homes Officer in raising awareness about the issue of vacant homes, engaging with the public, and informing them about the various schemes and opportunities, especially those related to the Croí Cónaithe Scheme.

"I urged the Minister for Housing to take this proposal into consideration during the review of the current scheme, which could contribute to addressing further vacancy and dereliction in our country amidst this housing crisis.” Deputy Dillon concluded.