Full disclosure ‘a must’ on Mayo Peace Park subsidence

FULL disclosure on who did what in the construction of the peace park in Castlebar has been requested.

“Who signed off on it?” Councillor Donna Sheridan asked at a municipal meeting where members were told the wall will have to be fenced off to restrict access, with its structural integrity compromised due to subsidence.

It was suggested by some of her elected colleagues that it was the council who had put in the actual base for the wall, not the contractor.

The district has allocated funding to ensure the peace park is made safe, however Councillor Sheridan has requested that a report be provided on who built the wall and who signed off on it.

“The Castlebar MD should not be put in a position where we are asked to use rate payers and local property tax to rebuild a structure which was built in the last 20 years,” she said.

It was a disgrace they were left with a structure that they have to make safe.

Councillor Michael Kilcoyne said he understood the base was put in by the council or supervised by them.

Councillor Al McDonnell said it appeared the structure was perfect, but it was built on an unsound foundation and the ground around it has subsided as well.

It appeared to him that it will have to be taken down and re-erected.

Municipal head David Mellett said the problem is down to subsidence, the change in ground conditions and the quality of the foundation laid. The council wasn't involved in construction or sign-off.

He would prepare a report.