Election candidate Chris Maxwell at the launch of his campaign. Photo: Jim Corrigan/Chris Maxwell Facebook page

Concern over future of west Mayo Meals on Wheels service due to shop crux

CONCERN about the future of Westport Meals on Wheels and their charity shop has been expressed by a local election candidate.

The service is having to move temporarily from its present location due to development works, but Chris Maxwell is concerned that no provision has been made for the shop to reopen at the site when works are complete.

Westport Meals on Wheels and their charity shop are based at the old convent site in the town, which is being redeveloped.

Said Mr. Maxwell in a statement: “I am very concerned about the unbelievable situation the fantastic Meals on Wheels unit in Westport find themselves confronted with.

“Their present premises, which they have occupied for decades, has to close while the site is developed by Mayo County Council. While they have nothing in writing, they hope to be given space in the new development to continue their trojan work in the Westport community.

“In the meantime, to continue their fantastic service they have been offered the Quay Community Centre as a premises to prepare their meals and carry out their work. However, the crux of the problem lays in finding a place to house their charity shop.

“This shop is the key to the existence of Meals on Wheels as it funds the whole operation.

“Their location at the moment has always provided them with the footfall to run a successful shop. Unfortunately, it seems apparent from the new development plan for the former convent site that there is no provision left for a unit to house their charity shop.

"Therefore, no charity shop, no Meals on Wheels.”

Mr. Maxwell said it had been suggested that the service would rent a premises in Westport town for their charity shop - a move would would absorb all their earnings, he says.

He called on the council and elected representatives to find a temporary facility free of charge that will ensure their much needed work will carry on and to ensure a permanent unit in the new development for their vital charity shop.