Mayo political brothers flag support for Simon Harris

Mayo Fine Gael Senator Paddy Burke has confirmed he will support Minister Simon Harris to lead Fine Gael.

Speaking today, Senator Burke said: “Simon Harris is the best man to lead Fine Gael. He led this country through the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I have worked with Simon Harris for years. I have seen the energy he brings to everything he does.

"It is time for him to step up and lead.

“He is best placed to bring Fine Gael back to its core values.

"I have been engaging with the grassroot members, and they want Simon Harris. He is the most popular with the public.

“He will be a campaigning leader. He has the communication skills, and the drive to lead the party and the country.”

Senator Burke's brother, Councillor Cyril Burke, has also come out in support of Minister Simon Harris.

He stated: "I believe Simon possesses all the qualities required to fill the post.

"He has immense experience and has proved his ability in numerous senior posts over a long number of years.

"I believe he has the energy and enthusiasm to lead the party into the local and EU elections and to drive the party on after into the next general election.

"I believe Simon will prove to be a great leader and someone the people of Ireland will grow to respect for his dedication to politics and this country."