INHFA urge councils to support motion on Nature Restoration Law
RESISTANCE is growing to the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) in Ireland as efforts continue in Europe to have it passed passed by the Council of Ministers.
The resistance has come from members of Donegal County Council who backed a motion 'calling on the Irish government to reject the proposed NRL in its current form, due to the very serious impact that the law will have on farming and associated economic activity within the county'.
The Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) want other councils around the country to pass similar motions.
At a meeting of Mayo County Council this week, Kilmeena Councillor Johnny O'Malley expressed his disappointment with the Irish MEPs who had voted in favour of the legislation, noting how the Fine Gael members aligned with the EPP broke ranks and voted in favour.
National chair of the INHFA, Pheilim Molloy, outlined how the association addressed a recent meeting of Donegal County Council on the proposed law detailing the impact it will have for farming and rural communities.
As part of their address they included wording for a proposed motion to the government, which members of the council adopted.
“Our concerns on this law are well known,” said Mr. Molloy, “and while Minister Ryan continues to push for the adoption of the law it is critical that he, the government and European institutions know that his opinion is not representative of our farmers, rural Ireland and the elected representatives in County Donegal.”
Mr. Molloy encouraged other county councils to 'follow the lead taken by Donegal and pass this or similar motions which will help to reinforce the message that the law is flawed and must not be enacted'.