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INHFA calls for pause on farm inspections as weather crisis deepens

THE Irish Natura & Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) are calling for a pause in all farm inspections as farmers struggle to cope with difficult weather conditions.

Vice-president John Joe Fitzgerald said farmers are under enormous pressure and this is something all state bodies need to take into consideration.

Across all sectors of farming the unrelenting rainfall is taking a toll. “This can be seen through increased costs, heightened stress levels and a never increasing workload that has left many farmers exhausted,” said Mr. Fitzgerald.

“Unfortunately, with no improvement in the weather forecast these concerns will remain and this is why it is vital that we don’t add to them through inspections that could be deferred until the weather improves and farmers are in a better place."

While Department of Agriculture inspections are the main inspection farmers could be facing, Mr. Fitzgerald detailed how any pause should also include all state bodies such as county councils, National Parks and Wildlife Services and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Beyond the need to pause inspections there is, he continued, 'a requirement on the minister to look at possible financial support through a fodder scheme that must be timely and substantial'.

“There has been a number of fodder support schemes in the past so the roll-out of any possible scheme shouldn’t be a major issue. What we need is a commitment on a budget and a timescale.”