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'Disgraceful' condition of some Mayo roads 'not fit for purpose' - councillor

Not enough is being done to prevent road fatalities in Mayo, according to Independent Councillor Christy Hyland.

He said that the disgraceful condition of a number of roadways across the county was a key factor in people losing their lives as a result of road traffic accidents.

He hit out: "There is one stretch of road which is responsible for a lot of road deaths that have occurred in Mayo, but little is being done to address it.

"It's a case of 'Nero fiddling while Rome burns'. These roads are not fit to drive on but they are being left like that. I see road signs being covered by bushes all the time.

"We have to start dealing with the problems head-on."

He also expressed disappointment that the role of Mayo road safety officer has become vacant again after being filled in an acting capacity for the past number of months.

"The council should be employing two officers. That's the kind of commitment it needs to make to tackling a huge problem."