The attendance at the launch of the Races of Castlebar Festival in the county town on May 3 to 5. Included are local elected representatives, local election candidates, members of Castlebar Lions Club and other member of the organising committee headed by Ronan Moran.

Mayo town celebrate Races of Castlebar on May bank holiday weekend

Wide-ranging programme is unveiled

A wide-ranging programme of events for the Races of Castlebar Festival on the Bank Holiday weekend of May 3 to 5 has been unveiled.

The event has been moved from its former August date because of a void created by the loss of Mayo Day and the West of Ireland Women's Mini Marathon to the county.

Ronan Moran, chairman of the the organising committee, confirmed many new events have been added to the schedule to make it more attractive for people to visit the town during the weekend.

He thanked Catherine Gagneux, honorary consular of the French embassy based in Galway, for her great support for the festival.

She spoke of the prospect of inviting a rugby team from France to take part in the festivities while a new town-twinning proposal for Castlebar could also be examined.

Local historian Dr. Michael O'Connor said the event will have a strong historical theme, starting with the March of the Pike Men on Friday evening, May 3, led by Castlebar Concert Band.

Other events include ‘The Journey from La Rochelle to Castlebar,’ a commemoration of the Year of the French through song, poetry, music and storytelling, an essay competition for local primary school children, the unveiling of a new pillory and a short talk on the history of pillories and stocks in County Mayo.

There will be a dragon boat race at Lough Lannagh and a walk through the history of imprisonment, capital punishment and transportation in Castlebar from 1700 to 1919.

Councillor Martin McLoughlin, who spoke on behalf of Castlebar Municipal District, told of his commitment to ensuring that the bridge over the town river will have a plaque erected on it to formally name it the General Humbert Bridge ‘because that's where the battle of 1798 was won’.

Deputy Alan Dillon also addressed the attendance, wishing the main organisers, Castlebar Lions Club, and Dr. O'Connor every success.

In conclusion, Mr. Moran thanked all the local councillors and businesses for their loyalty and enthusiastic backing.

The preliminary programme is as follows:

Friday, May 3

6.30 p.m.: March of the Pike Men (From Thomas Street to the 1798 Memorial, The Mall, Castlebar).

7 p.m.: Wreath laying ceremony and reading the Names of the Fallen (The 1798 Memorial, The Mall, Castlebar).

8 p.m.: ‘The Journey from La Rochelle to Castlebar’ – Commemoration of the Year of the French through Song, Poetry, Music & Story Telling.

During this event, Prizes for the School’s Races of Castlebar Competitions will be awarded. (TF Royal Hotel, Castlebar).

10 p.m.: Humbert Banquet & Music (TF Royal Hotel, Castlebar).

Saturday, May 4

Walking Tours – details to be finalised

10 a.m.: Unveiling of Pillory – unveiling event for new pillory & short talk on the history of pillories and stocks in County Mayo (10-15 mins) (The Mall, Castlebar) – Conor Smyth and Michael O’Connor

11 a.m.: The Four Prisons of Castlebar – a walk through the history of Imprisonment, Capital Punishment & Transportation in Castlebar 1700-1919 with Dr Michael O’Connor (Estimated length 60-90 mins)

Sunday, May 5

2 p.m.: The Four Prisons of Castlebar – a walk through the history of Imprisonment, Capital Punishment & Transportation in Castlebar 1700-1919 with Dr Michael O’Connor (Estimated length 60-90 mins).

Other events to be confirmed.