Reward offered for information on Mayo pub burglaries

PUBLICANS in Westport are putting up a €10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a spate of local burglaries.

Gardaí are investigating burglaries at three premises in Tourmakeady and one in Killawalla, which occurred in the early hours of Friday, April 5.

A quantity of money was taken from all four premises.

In response to the burglaries at the rural premises, Westport publicans have decided to offer a reward of €10,000 for information leading to arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.

Westport Councillor Brendan Mulroy paid tribute to the publicans on their initiative.

He commented on his social media: “Well done to all the publicans in Westport.

“Sad day when you do a day's work, pay your taxes and make a difference to your community and the people and society around you, then thugs and I can think of worse words to describe them try to intimidate and rob you in your home or business.

“Time we all stood together on this.”