The Twin Trees Hotel

Mayo Minister declares Ballina hotel “unsuitable” for IPAS centre

By Caoimhín Rowland

FIANNA Fáil Minister of State Dara Calleary has revealed he has been in talks with Minister Roderic O’Gorman about the 'unsuitability' of the Twin Trees Hotel for international protection applicants amid mounting concern in the north Mayo town.

Large public outcry has met speculation that the former Downhill House Hotel will be transformed into a site for refugees and asylum seekers.

Fianna Fáil councillor Annie May Reape joined Dara Calleary in stating: "The Twin Trees Hotel is not suitable for international protection applicants.

"Ballina is not able to accommodate anymore – we have done as much as we can."

Dara Calleary stated that he “absolutely appreciates and understand people's genuine concerns about this and I am continuing to work on this matter.”

The new owners of the hotel are believed to currently in discussion with the Department of Integration over plans to utilise it as an IPAS centre in the coming months.