Councillor Michael Kilcoyne. Photo: Alison Laredo

Mayo councillor hits out at social welfare department reviews

THE Department of Social Welfare has been accused by a Mayo councillor of 'hounding' people with reviews.

At a time when a lot of people are under pressure, Independent Councillor Michael Kilcoyne has called into question the 'attitude' being adopted by the department.

Over the last three or four months in particular, people are being 'hounded', he told a council housing strategic policy committee meeting.

In one case he dealt with, a person who was €10 over the limit lost their medical card.

People are having their social welfare payments reviewed, he said, with the department looking for bank statements to see if they have any other income stream other than the €220 being received in jobseekers' allowance or disability.

People caring for elderly parents, saving the State €1,200 to €1,300 a week in nursing home costs, are being hounded over their €220 a week payment. In relation to the medical card section, people who used to have medical cards are now being reviewed.

“The stuff that's going on, it takes away the few bob discretionary payment that people might have,” he commented.

People looking for supplementary allowance from community welfare officers are being 'put through the hoops', he continued. “At the same time the Department of Social Welfare is running ads saying 'If you need help, contact us'.

“What's missing out of their ad is 'If you need help, don't contact us' because that's what’s happening at the moment,” he commented.

The minister should look at what is happening, he said.

The few bob discretionary that people have helps them with their fuel, continued Councillor Kilcoyne.

Instead, they are being hounded, with no word about the huge spend that went into the referendum.

In a separate matter, committee members were told of a rental scheme where local authority tenants can lease a room to a student, tax-free up to €14,000.

Councillor Kilcoyne pointed to government departments working against each other in this - Revenue saying it's tax-free income, social welfare sending out forms asking if you're renting out a room.