Green Party bidding for two seats on Mayo County Council
The Green Party will launch its Mayo campaign for the local and european elections tomorrow (Thursday) at 5:30 p.m. at the Westport Woods Hotel, Quay Road, Westport.
Senator Pauline O’Reilly, the Green Party’s MEP candidate for the midland-north-west constituency, will be joined by the party’s two candidates for the local election, Peter Nolan, who will run in the Westport electoral area, and Micheál O’Connell, who will run in the Belmullet electoral area.
The Green Party believes that it is time that there was a committed green voice on Mayo County Council to ensure that the county can benefit fully from the opportunities that new green jobs, green energy and green agriculture can bring to the county.
The counties that make the transition to a lower carbon future quickest are the ones that will prosper most. Those that don’t will be left behind.
The Greens in Mayo say that the prospect of another five years of “more of the same” politics will hold Mayo people, business and innovation back, allowing other counties to power ahead instead.
A green voice locally will be enhanced with a strong green voice for the region in Europe.
Pauline, Micheál and Peter will outline their vision for Mayo and the west of Ireland, and what they will do both locally and at a European level to help ensure that Mayo is on the cutting edge of the green transition, with thriving towns, sustainable and affordable housing, renewable energy, transport that works, quality jobs, a healthy environment and viable farming.
Pauline was elected to Seanad Eireann in 2020 and before that was elected to Galway County Council in 2019.
Prior to her career in politics, she was a family-law solicitor.
Peter is an organic farmer, as part of the Organic Farming Scheme in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) between Louisburgh and Westport.
Micheál was raised on a small farm in Erris.
In his 20s he became a managing director of an Insurance company in Dublin, before returning to Belmullet, where he owned and managed The Boxty Factory in the town.