Pressure on to deliver funding for Mayo climbing wall project

CASTLEBAR councillors want to see progress on delivering a climbing wall at the Lough Lannagh sports and leisure complex.

Sports capital grant funding of €500,000 is awaited to allow the project proceed.

Councillor Blackie Gavin, at a municipal meeting, lamented that costs have been going up and are now 'through the roof' since the project was first mooted.

If funding isn't secured now, the costs will be gone up further in the future, he warned.

There are no big capital works going on in the county town, with nothing being rolled out in towns or villages, he stated.

Noting an impending visit by Minister Michael McGrath, he would be telling him not to be coming down to Castlebar unless he has money for projects.

If they can get the climbing wall in place, Lough Lannagh would be one of the best facilities in the country, he said.

Councillor Donna Sheridan agreed they need to be seeing funding for the project and she queried the involvement of ATU in it.

Municipal head David Mellett said application has been made for additional funding, with costs having increased due to rising construction costs.

ATU had a limited capital funding but would be involved in the operational side.