Partnership approach to building Mayo county town economy is formalised

Mayo County Council has played host to a significant meeting with Castlebar Chamber regarding the county town's economic growth.

The gathering symbolised a milestone in the collaborative efforts between local government and the business community to drive the growth and development of Castlebar and its environs into the future.

Councillor Al McDonnell, cathaoirleach of the Castlebar Municipal District, welcomed the Castlebar Chamber to the meeting and praised the chamber for its success in recent months.

He said: "I commend Anne Conlon, president of Castlebar Chamber, for her massive success in the short period of her presidency.

"Over the past few months, we have seen the chamber grow in strength, which is great for the town.”

He outlined the strong collaboration formed by the council and the chamber.

The meeting was also attended by councillors Cyril Burke, Ger Deere, Blackie Gavin and Donna Sheridan.

David Mellett, head of Castlebar Municipal District, recognised the shared commitment to the growth and development of Castlebar and its surrounding areas.

He said: "We look forward to continued collaborations and achieving even greater successes in the months and years ahead."

Anne Conlon, president of Castlebar Chamber, echoed the sentiments of partnership and progress.

She hailed the occasion as historic for Castlebar Chamber and emphasised the significance of having the May monthly Castlebar Chamber Council meeting hosted by the Castlebar Municipal District at the Mayo County Council HQ on the Mall.

Ms. Conlon expressed gratitude to Councillor McDonnell for the warm reception and unwavering support extended throughout recent months' events.

She underscored the power of collaboration, citing the exemplary teamwork exhibited by the Enterprise Town Committee, comprising various community groups, which led to the commendable achievement of winning the award, hence the chamber motto, ‘connecting business and community,’ is important.

Special thanks were paid to David Mellett, Head of Castlebar Municipal District, for his steadfast support and successful collaboration with the chamber.

The collaboration served as a platform for successful discussions and strategic planning to foster sustainable economic growth, nurture entrepreneurship, and enhance the overall well-being of Castlebar and its residents.

* Pictured at the meeting were, back row, Michael Callaghan (treasurer, Carraig Donn) Councillor Ger Deere, Councillor Cyril Burke, Councillor Blackie Gavin, Councilor Donna Sheridan and Rory Curran (Chamber Council Bank of Ireland)

Front Row: Michael Gill (Membership Officer, ATU), Una Kilbane (Chamber Council, Breaffy House Resort), Councillor Al McDonnell, Anne Conlon (president, All About Sales), and John Caulfield (Chamber Council, business consultant).