Councillor Patsy O'Brien.

Traffic calming on street in south Mayo town queried

MAYO County Council has been asked to provide an updated plan for traffic calming on Abbey Street in Ballinrobe and also proposals for a pedestrian crossing at Tesco under Smarter Travel, in addition to constructing another car park at Abbey Street.

The request came from Councillor Patsy O'Brien by way of a notice of motion.

He was told consultants are due to be appointed this summer for Active Travel works in Ballinrobe. Following this appointment, they will be progressing designs and working with the National Transport Authority to progress funding for projects within the town, including the works above.

Councillor Michael Burke said Abbey Street is narrow and people on the left want to keep their parking.

It would take great imagination to make it a safer place. Speeding is a problem and traffic calming would help, he said.

The motion, said Councillor Damien Ryan, was worthy of consideration as there are problems in both areas.

On Smarter Travel, he said the concentration on large urban areas needs to change to include smaller villages, so they are not left behind.