Growth of 'thriving' Mayo community placed in jeopardy by 'lack of clarity'
A Mayo Oireachtas member has raised concerns over the future growth of the community of Breaffy in Castlebar.
Senator Paddy Burke said its expansion its being inhibited by challenges in extending its sewerage scheme.
He elaborated: "The locals are looking for an extension to the scheme that was put in place by the then Minister for the environment, Phil Hogan, ten years ago.
"There are a number of houses and hotels, such as Breaffy House Hotel, and its sister hotel, in that area, as well as a school and GAA facilities. It's a thriving community.
"However, there is a lack of clarity at departmental level in regard to the criteria used when evaluating how an extension of this nature should be granted and progressed.
"It is unclear how this actually works and that needs to be addressed.
"The people of Breaffy are left wondering who is responsible for progressing it and how that can be achieved.
'Mayo County Council does not seem to have any function in the matter.
"It's a matter that needs to be resolved swiftly if Breaffy is to grow further," he added/