Deaths in Mayo down last year following ‘unexplained’ surge in 2022

The two coroners in Co. Mayo responsible for the investigation of sudden and unexplained deaths within the county dealt with a total of 1,133 mortalities in 2023, new figures have revealed.

Pat O’Connor, Coroner for the District of Mayo, dealt with 986 cases while his colleague, Dr. Eleanor Fitzgerald, Coroner for North Mayo, dealt with 147 cases.

Of Mr. O’Connor’s 986 cases, 71 resulted in post mortems and inquests being held.

Out of the 147 total cases reported to her, Dr. Fitzgerald subsequently directed 23 post mortems and inquests.

Statistics as to the number of cases dealt with by the nation’s various coroners in 2023 have been released by the Department of Justice following the completion of the obligatory annual returns by the coroners involved.

While the number of deaths dealt with by Dr. Fitzgerald last year was slightly up on the 2022 figure, the number of cases dealt with by her colleague, Mr. O’Connor is down by 22 on the 2022 tally.

Commenting today (Tuesday) Mr. O’Connor pointed out that in his district there had been an unexplained surge of deaths reported to him in 2022, many more than would normally be expected.

“Thankfully, the figures for my area are down slightly on last year”, he noted.

“In previous years the number was up because of the aftermath of Covid and the unfortunate deaths of people who perhaps were not as vigilant about their health during Covid times”.

Mr. O’Connor continued: “We are grateful in one sense that the total number of cases has declined but immensely sad for those who lost loved ones".