Old Irish Goats will be getting to work once again to control Gunnera Tinctoria. Photo: Old Irish Goat Society Facebook page.

€64,512 awarded to eight Mayo biodiversity projects

FUNDING has been announced for Mayo County Council to support various biodiversity projects through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund (LBAF), Minister of State Alan Dillon has announced.

The €64,512 allocated will enable the council to carry out a diverse range of projects aimed at promoting biodiversity within the county.

The eight projects approved for funding are:

Phase 2 of County Wetland Survey - €31,490.

Use of Old Irish Goats to control Gunnera Tinctoria - €12,580.

Himalayan Balsam control - €18,700.

Native woodland planting project in Ballyhaunis - €850.

Mayo Biodiversity Awareness Programme 2024 - €6,545.

Monitoring the successes of coastal breeding waders and kittiwakes - €13,158.

Castlebar Town Park biodiversity enhancement - €11,390.

Recording Irish Mayfly - establishing conservation status - €1,289.

Said Minister Dillon: “Local authorities play a vital role in addressing the biodiversity crisis and in this important week for biodiversity, I'm delighted to see a wide variety of projects approved through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund 2024. The benefits realised by the locally led projects created through this fund are shared by all of us, not least local communities.

“These projects will play an important role in protecting and enhancing local biodiversity, ensuring the sustainability of natural habitats, and fostering community awareness and engagement.”