A view of Swinford's main street, from the Square. The town is set to benefit from the new Town Centre First Support Fund. Image from Google Maps

Three Mayo towns to benefit from Town Team Support Fund

THREE Mayo towns - Swinford, Crossmolina and Balla - are set to benefit from a Town Centre First Support Fund.

The first ever Town Team Support Fund will deliver funding for communities that have never had a town team before.

The investment will also assist towns that are only recently established and includes Ballyhaunis in Mayo. The team in Ballyhaunis will now progress to complete their Town Centre First plan as part of the Town Centre First suite of supports.

A total of 68 towns will be supported nationally with €10,000 in funding per town.

In Swinford, Crossmolina and Balla, the funding will be used to support the establishment and/or development of town teams where they are not already well established, and to better understand the unique features of towns.

The projects will be managed by the DRCD-funded town regeneration officers across the country.

This funding follows on from the recent announcement of €780,000 which will support the development of a Town Centre First Plan in a further 26 towns.

Killala is the first town Mayo to be chosen as one of 26 across the country to develop a Town Centre First (TCF) plan.

The Town Centre First approach is an initiative of government policy to build sustainable and resilient communities in rural towns.

Said Minister of State Alan Dillon: “This is all about tackling vacancy, combatting dereliction and breathe new life into our town centres. Through this initiative, we are recognising the importance of having vibrant towns, which are places to live in, work in, visit, and raise a family in.

“Town teams are key to rural regeneration and I am delighted that this funding will support the development of these teams and the creation of teams where they currently don’t exist in Swinford, Crossmolina and Balla.

“Amongst other things, these Town Teams play a vital role in helping communities access the wide range of funding available from my department under various schemes.”

Deputy Michael Ring said he was delighted with the allocations.

“The funding will help tackle vacancy and dereliction and ensure that our towns are more vibrant places to live and work in and more attractive for visitors.

“Town teams are key to rural regeneration,” he commented.

In a statement, Mayo Councillor Fine Gael Councillor Donna Sheridan welcomed the allocated for Balla, stating the funding will play a central role in the further enhancement of the progressive community.