Company offers options in surprise twist to Mayo forestry saga

by Tom Shiel

In an unexpected turn of events, an approach has been made by forestry company Woodland Invest to the local community regarding its controversial proposal to plant 14.62 hectares (36.12 acres) of farmland at Craggagh, between Kiltimagh and Balla.

A number of alternatives to forestry will be outlined by a representative of the company at a public meeting in Craggagh Community Centre next Tuesday.

One of the options being offered by the company is to sell the land back to anybody interested in buying it.

A decision is pending on an application for planning permission by Woodland Invest under the Forestry Act to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

The local community in Craggagh and surrounding areas have objected vehemently to the application citing, amongst other concerns loss of light to homes, increased wildlife encounters, devaluation of their properties and the threat of forest fires adjacent to residential and national school areas.

Craggagh National School sits on the edge of the proposed new plantation.

More than 240 people signed a petition objecting to planning permission.

The petition stated: “Commercial forestry is now dominating this area against the wishes of the local community.

“The amount and type of forest cover in this area is (already) a significant issue to the local community and this project adds further to our concerns.

In March, a public rally in Balla attracted large numbers.

A spokesman for the ‘Save Craggagh’ group: "We were surprised really by the approach.

"I understand from other forestry protest groups that such propositions from forestry investors are uncommon.”