Number of patients who died at Mayo hospital ED revealed

A total of 117 patients died in the emergency department (ED) at Mayo University Hospital from 2019 to 2023, the HSE has revealed.

This refers to all deaths at the facility across all areas of the ED, the vast majority of which occurred in resuscitation or on presentation to the ED

In the same period, 240 people died on ED trolleys in University Hospital Limerick while 195 died in the ED in University Hospital Galway, 150 in Sligo University Hospital, 108 in Letterkenny and 72 in Portiuncula.

The figures include only patients deemed unwell enough to be admitted and who died on a trolley in the ED while waiting for a bed.

It does not include patients who passed away by the time they arrived in ED or were critically unwell and were brought directly to resuscitation following an accident or sudden illness.

The majority of those patients (90pc) were triaged as the highest category (P1 and P2), indicating a life-threatening illness or patients who are at end-of-life.

The figures were presented at meeting of the HSE West Forum in Galway.

They were revealed in response to a question from Clare Councillor Cillian Murphy.