The former Belmont Hotel, Knock.

Peaceful protests planned over proposed new Mayo centre for asylum seekers

Concerns are being raised in Mayo over the decision by IPAS to locate a centre for international protection applicants at the former Belmont Hotel in Knock.

Paul Lawless, who is running in the local election as an Aontú party candidate, said residents of the community are disappointed that they were not consulted in respect of the matter before a decision was reached.

He confirmed that construction work has got underway in refurbishing the building for the arrival of asylum seekers and refugees.

The Belmont Hotel was closed in 2010 and at the time was a 65 bedroom facility.

Mr. Lawless said the government parties had created a situation whereby the normal planning laws were being bypassed in order to provide such centres - thus preventing members of the public from becoming involved in the consultation process.

He is due to issue a full statement on the matter.

Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that peaceful protests are scheduled to take place at the site of the former hotel this evening (Monday) at 7 p.m. and on Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Ballyhaunis-based Fine Gael candidate Alma Gallagher said she has been contacted by concerned residents of Knock regarding the proposed ‘Refugee Centre’ at The Belmont Hotel.

In a post on her Facebook page, she said: "I will continue to work with the facts, advocating for increased consultation and engagement with the people of Knock.

"Now is the time for informed discussion with Minister Roderic O'Gorman, Mayo County Council and all in Knock village."