Appeal for permanent dam to 'capture rubbish' along Mayo river

A Mayo elected representative has called for a permanent dam to be installed along the Castlebar River to capture litter which is being washed up in Turlough village five miles away.

Councillor Ger Deere explained: “Following the recent oil leak into the river in Castlebar, a temporary oil trap was installed in the town river at the back of Linenhall Street to halt the continuation of the spill.

"The oil leak thankfully has been cleared, but as a result of the temporary oil dam being put in place, its benefits in capturing litter as it flows along the river have been highlighted.”

Councillor Deere, who is also vice-chairperson of Castlebar Tidy Towns Committee, said the river in the county town is a tributary of the River Moy, one of Europe’s premier fishing destinations.

“Every year we collect thousands of plastic bottles and all types of litter which has travelled along the river that washes ashore on lands at Turlough.

"If a permanent dam was put in place at strategic locations along the Castlebar river, we would be able to gather the litter which is disposed off and dropped into the river.

"I am now calling on Mayo County Council, in consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) and the Office of Public Works (OPW) to install more permanent and suitable dams, such as was used for this oil leak, at strategic locations along the Castlebar river to collect and prevent the large amount of litter which is washed up in Turlough.”