St. Joseph's Community College, Charlestown. Photo: school Facebook page.

New extra classroom for east Mayo school

THE announcement of an additional special needs classroom for a Charlestown school has been welcomed by Minister Alan Dillon.

Approval has been granted for an extra classroom to provide a special class for children with educational needs at St. Joseph’s Community College, Charlestown.

Said Deputy Dillon: “This is great news for St. Joseph’s Community College and their wider community. It will provide much-needed facilities for students with special educational needs in the area.

“I want to wish acting principal Mr. John Bones, his staff, students and board of management the very best with this project in the months ahead.”

Deputy Michael Ring said the works will involve the redesignation/renovating of an existing room to accommodate a class for students with special educational needs, funded under the under the Additional Accommodation Scheme.

He commented: “This is very welcome news and I am sure that the teachers and students will benefit from the refurbishment works.”