Major bed capacity boost for Mayo University Hospital - Lisa Chambers

The bed capacity at Mayo University Hospital is set to be increased by 96 - representing a 36% overall rise.

The announcement has been confirmed by Lisa Chambers, a Fianna Fáil candidate in the midlands north west constituency.

The current number of beds is 267, and this significant enhancement will bring the total to 363 over the next seven years.

"This is fantastic news for Mayo University Hospital and the wider community," Senator Chambers stated.

"Increasing the bed capacity by 36% will greatly enhance the hospital's ability to provide high-quality care to patients."

Senator Chambers highlighted the urgent need for additional hospital beds to address current capacity issues and improve patient outcomes.

"Increasing bed numbers is essential to reduce waiting times, improve patient care, and relieve the strain on our healthcare professionals.

"The people of Mayo and the surrounding regions deserve timely access to hospital services, and this expansion is a critical step towards achieving that."

Senator Chambers also noted that the seven-year timeline for the bed increase is not set in stone and can potentially be accelerated.

"There is no reason this can't happen sooner. The expansion can be expedited by Mayo University Hospital, ensuring that our healthcare system can meet the growing needs of our population more swiftly," she said.

Senator Chambers called on the relevant authorities to ensure that the necessary resources and support are provided to Mayo University Hospital to facilitate the expansion.

"I urge all stakeholders involved to work collaboratively and efficiently to bring this much-needed expansion to fruition as quickly as possible.

"Our community cannot afford to wait seven years for these additional beds."

Senator Chambers concluded by reiterating her commitment to advocating for enhanced healthcare services in the Midlands North West region.

"Ensuring that our hospitals are well-equipped and adequately staffed is a top priority.

"I will continue to push for improvements in our healthcare system to better serve our communities."