Only Sinn Féin MEPs reject the Vulture Funds agenda - MacManus

Sinn Féin MEP for Midlands-Northwest, Chris MacManus has said that only Sinn Féin MEPs can be trusted to oppose Vulture Funds and that his voting record proves it.

MacManus said it is clear that Fine Gael MEPs support ramping up what he calls "the Vultures agenda."

“I have been the most outspoken critic of Vulture Funds in the European Parliament. This is an area where EU policy directly impacts on our housing situation, and unfortunately EU policy is not improving the situation. By empowering vulture funds, it has made it worse.

“I tabled a rejection amendment to the Vultures Directive which Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil did not support, that tells you everything you need to know. On other occasions, they backed the vulture funds over working people.

“This battle is ongoing. In fact, Fine Gael are pushing for even more power for Vulture Funds via the Accelerated Extrajudicial Collateral Enforcement (AECE), - which would allow vultures to skip the court process altogether in some cases.

Whilst Fine Gael happily stand up for the vulture and cuckoo funds, we in Sinn Féin are committed to standing up for workers and families across Ireland.