The old swimming pool in Castlebar. Image from Google Maps

Support for sale of former pool building to Mayo football club

COUNCILLORS in Castlebar support the sale of the old swimming pool in the town to Castlebar Celtic.

The football club's facilities are under pressure, with 600 underage members alone, and just two dressing rooms and three toilets.

Two notices of motion to sell the old pool to the club for a nominal fee (one suggested €100) came before the monthly municipal district meeting this week.

Any transfer should involve the safe disposal by the council of any asbestos on site, Councillor Michael Kilcoyne suggested, saying the club shouldn't have to bear this cost.

He supported the sale but questioned if a nominal sale was possible, with it most likely having to go on the open market, and he suggested a long-term lease might be the way to go.

Councillor Cyril Burke, on his motion, explained how the club is effectively landlocked and cannot expand, with a need for new dressing rooms, bathrooms, storage, etc.

The pool has been lying idle and it would go some way to addressing the club's needs, he said.

It is a 'golden' opportunity', said Councillor Ger Deere, who also commented on the club's plans to include a facility for children and adults with sensory needs, at a time when Castlebar is working to become an autism-friendly town.

The club has been asked to present their proposals to the council and that is already underway, members were told.

Councillor Kilcoyne wondered if they could use the pool facilities in the interim, until a final decision is made.

He was told an assessment of the building would need to be done first but it can be explored.