Tremendous response to fundraising appeal for popular Mayo man

A tremendous response has been received so far to a very worthy fundraising campaign for Mayo man Cliff Liverpool who suffered a life-changing spinal chord injury.

The campaign has raised €91,812 to date, thanks to 834 donations, and is on course to achieving its target of €200,000.

The appeal for support outlines: "Our friend Cliff has unfortunately sustained a life changing spinal cord injury.

"This injury means that he is paralysed. Cliff’s condition is very rare, never seen in his local hospital and only 16 times in over 40 years in the National Spinal Cord Unit in the Mater Hospital.

"Cliff is a 54-year-old man, married to Laura and has two beautiful children, Chloe and Jake.

"He has worked for the HSE as a psychiatric nurse manager for over 20 years, which he has always thoroughly enjoyed.

"His kindness and compassion towards his patients and colleagues have always been tremendous.

"Cliff’s passion has always been his family.

"Throughout this nightmare, his wife and children are by his side.

"Cliff’s friends and family will testify that this guy would cross an ocean to help you.

"He is one of those guys that whatever is asked of him, he would do it for anyone with all his heart.

"He has always been our sounding block, offering help, support, advice and has always offered a shoulder to cry on, without judgement.

"Nobody deserves this fate, but to happen to such a truly kind spirit is unspeakable.

"To date, Cliff has endured two long and grueling surgeries along with several other smaller procedures.

"He has spent five months away from his family, friends, home, work and support network. He is currently in the National Rehabilitation Centre fighting to regain some independence.

"We have named this fundraiser ‘Cliff’s Journey’.

"Cliff is on a continuous path to recovery which requires vital equipment.

"The list includes mobility equipment, accommodation adaptions and ongoing medical procedures.

"It is all essential for Cliff’s day to day living.

"This funding will also give Cliff access to the most innovative medical treatments available.

"Unfortunately, this is not fully funded through the HSE or government grants.

"We are seeking to fundraise €200,000.

"Cliff is hugely motivated to face life after this horrific injury with determination, his trademark dignity and positivity but needs help to achieve this.

"We are resolute in supporting him. This fundraiser will give Cliff the best possible opportunity to achieve his ‘sky high’ ambitions throughout these challenging times.

"Please join us on ‘Cliff’s Journey’. Every donation counts and is greatly appreciated."