Gardaí probing targeting of Mayo candidate's posters by vandals

Gardai have revealed to Castlebar Fine Gael candidate Councillor Cyril Burke that they have been following a definite line of inquiry on the matter of the vandalising of his posters.

Officers have inspected some of the ripped up posters and have been able to access CCTV from nearby dwelling houses andbusiness premises as part of their investigations.

They will be keeping a close eye on the matter in the coming days in an effort to apprehend the culprits.

Meanwhile. Councillor Burke said the damage to his posters did not reflect the good reception he is receiving on the doorstops across the Castlebar electoral area.

"In general the people have been most courteous and to thank them for their time and courtesy on my canvass.

"I have no doubt the one or two individuals who carried out this unlawful damage to posters - and not just mine - will be apprehended sooner rather than later," he added..