Marsh House is one of the three campuses used by Castlebar Education Together N.S.

Hopes of swift resolution for Mayo school enduring 'intolerable conditions'

Minister of State, Alan Dillon TD, has hosted a productive meeting at Leinster House, focusing on the ongoing challenges faced by Castlebar Educate Together National School.

A report by RTÉ News earlier this week described conditions at the school as 'intolerable.'

The meeting was attended by Minister for Education, Norma Foley, school principal Sarah Calvey, and Yvonne Coyne, chairperson of the board of management.

Also in attendance were Mayo oireachtas members Deputy Michael Ring and Minister Darra Calleary.

The school, currently operating out of three separate sites across Castlebar, has been grappling with significant logistical issues.

These challenges, outlined in detail to Minister Foley by the school representatives, impact the school’s teachers, staff, and its 136 pupils.

This meeting was a fulfilment of Minister Dillon’s promise made to Ms. Calvey and the school community during a public meeting in Castlebar in early April.

The promise was made in response to the school’s disappointment at a perceived lack of engagement by the Education Minister following her visit to the school in September 2022.

Minister Dillon stated: “At that public meeting, I pledged my full support to Castlebar Educate

"Together to progress the development of a new school and arrange a meeting in Dublin with the minister.

"I can state that the meeting was a positive one and I am hopeful that further progress will be made in the coming weeks in relation to the selection of a suitable site for the school.

"I will continue to support the board of management, staff, and students until a proper school facility on one campus is found.”

He also commended principal Calvey and the board of Management for their determination in ensuring that a proper resolution is found to this serious issue.

The meeting represents a step forward in addressing the challenges faced by Castlebar Educate Together National School.

With the continued support of Minister Dillon, local representatives and the Department of Education, the school community remains hopeful for a swift resolution to their current predicament.

In a statement, the board of management at the school has thanked Minister Alan Dillion for facilitating a meeting with the Minister of Education Ms. Norma Foley.

It continued: "The meeting was very informative and allowed both the board and the principal Ms. Sarah Calvey to outline our current concerns and our frustration over the lack of progress to date for Castlebar Educate Together.

"In particular, since Ms Foley visited our school two years ago in which she promised the children a new school, there has been no progress to date.

"It was disappointing on the day that a confirmation could not be given to move the children out of the current inappropriate sites to a more secure temporary site and to confirm the commencement to purchase a permanent site for the school.

"The board, staff, parents and children remain committed to continue our campaign to secure a permanent site and in the interim a suitable temporary location for all the children by September 2024 so the children can be educated together and not apart."