MEP Maria Walsh.

MAYO PRIDE: An opportunity to celebrate joy and diversity of LGBTI community

by Maria Walsh MEP

As a proud Mayo woman, Mayo Pride is one of the highlights of my year.

Bringing together friends from across our great county, it gives us an opportunity to celebrate the joy, diversity and colour of our LGBTI community.

However, amidst the celebrations, it’s important to remember that Pride originated from protest and it remains a time to continue the fight for our full rights and freedoms.

Since my election as an MEP in 2019, I have been a strong, loud voice for the LGBTI community on the European stage.

While much progress has been made for our community in Ireland over the past few years, the same cannot be said across all EU member states.

Today human rights in Europe are in great danger as we witness the spread of anti-LGBTI propaganda by populist parties and governments, both offline and online.

Not only does anti-LGBTI propaganda threaten the fundamental human rights of European citizens, it breaches EU law and undermines core EU values of freedom and equality.

In Belgium last August, a study outlined one in four LGBTI+ people have been subject to threats or physical assault.

In Slovakia last October, two young men were murdered by a gunman outside one of Bratislava’s queer bars.

In Finland, last summer, in two different towns where Pride parades was being celebrated, homemade bombs were detonated.

And while we have made great strides in this country, we still have some way to go to ensure the rights, freedoms and safety of all.

Attacks on gay men in Dublin, Sligo and other parts of our country sadly highlights that homophobia that still exists today.

I do not say this to scaremonger, I share these stories to highlight the everlasting need for progress.

We must never become complacent and we must always ensure our country, along with our fellow European neighbours, is moving in the right direction.

As we celebrate this weekend, let us not forget the history and origins of Pride and remember to continue the fight for our LGBTI communities, both at home and across the EU.