Older person housing grant refusals questioned by Mayo councillor

THE refusal of housing aid for older people grants has drawn the ire of one Mayo councillor.

Two cases were highlighted by Councillor Michael Kilcoyne at a municipal district – one where windows were 50 years old and single glaze, and a second where water was coming in the sill.

“I am extremely disappointed with some of the decisions which have been made,” he told council management.

These grants were supposed to help elderly people and they were being turned down for basic grants for houses that are in very poor condition, he said.

Councillor Kilcoyne said he had sent in a number of appeals and if not sorted, they will end up with the Ombudsman.

An issue was also raised by Councillor Cyril Burke where grants approved are less than the cost of the works involved. He wondered if the guidelines have gone up in line with inflation as work costs increase.

Members were told the council has to be cognisant of budgets.

A number of homes have been approvd where windows structurally were an issue. Thermal efficiency, however, wasn't under their remit, but they do advise applicants on other grant sources.