Cast and crew of The Park Bench, Parke Arts & Drama Group.

Outdoor performance at Mayo museum with Parke Arts & Drama Group

THE National Museum of Ireland - Country Life is hosting what looks sure to be a unique and enjoyable outdoor performance with Parke Arts & Drama Group at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday, June 9.

Parke Arts & Drama Group are staging a free performance of The Park Bench, a two-act comedy by Ashley Burgoyne, in the wonderful setting of the museum grounds at Turlough Park, Castlebar. The performance will take place beside the yew tree, just in front of the main museum galleries.

The Park Bench is a beautifully crafted and engaging comedy about miscommunication and misunderstandings. The story centres on Charles and the park bench he shared with his wife. When he mislays something important, new people enter his life, and his world opens up once again.

“The group is delighted to be bringing this beautifully crafted, light-hearted comedy to Irish audiences,” said Vincent McHale, director with Parke Arts & Drama Group. “The play is written by Ashley Burgoyne, an English playwright, writer, poet and musician from Norfolk. Ashley has written 11 plays, with many of them being performed throughout the UK.

“Last year, The Backstage Theatre Group from Longford performed another of his plays - The Hotel Room - which received great reviews and played to packed houses. So, if you are looking for some light-hearted comedy on a summer’s afternoon, in a beautiful outdoor setting, then come along.”

Admission is free. Booking is advised via Eventbrite. Visit for further details.

As this is an outdoor performance, seating will be informal. Please dress according to the weather. The performance may move indoors depending on weather on the day.