Castlebar Fine Gael Councillor Ger Deere being held high by Minister of State Alan Dillon and supporters after his re-election. PHOTO: ALISON LAREDO

First candidates are elected in Mayo as excitement builds

The first candidates have been elected in the Mayo local elections.

Outgoing Castlebar councillors Michael Kilcoyne (Independent) and Ger Deere (Fine Gael) have retained their seats in emphatic style.

They have both exceeded the quota of 1,878 after the first count in the Castlebar electoral area.

Kilcoyne topped the poll with 2,405 with Deere in second place on 1,951, the latter increasing his first preference return by 673 votes.

The second count involves the distribution of Kilcoyne's surplus of 527.

There are now five seats to be filled and the main contenders for those are:

Al McDonnell, FF (1,631).

Blackie Gavin, FF (1,526).

Cyril Burke, FG (1,358).

Donna Sheridan, FG (996).

Stephen Kerr, Ind. (899).

Martin McLoughlin, FF (834).

Harry Barrett, Ind (743).

Candidates that will have significant transfers in later counts are Donna Hyland, SF (599), Gerry Loftus, Ind., (542), and Donal Geraghty, Independent Ireland (442).