How Mayo voted: All the latest from the Castlebar count

Counting of votes in the Castlebar Electoral Area concluded at around 8 a.m. Sunday morning.

One change in the lineup with Independent Harry Barrett elected and Fianna Fáil's Martin McLoughlin losing his seat.

Elected were: Michael Kilcoyne, Ger Deere, Blackie Gavin, Al McDonnell, Cyril Burke, Harry Barrett and Donna Sheridan.

The full count is below.

No. seats: 7

Total poll: 15,137

Invalid votes: 121

Total valid poll: 15,016

Quota: 1,877


Barrett, Harry (NP) 743

Browne, Aiden (SD) 154

Burke, Cyril (FG) 1358

Daly, Joe (PBP) 246

Deere, Ger (FG) 1951

Gavin, Blackie (FF) 1526

Geraghty, Donal (IND) 442

Hyland, Donna (SF) 599

Kerr, Stephen (NP) 899

Kilcoyne, Michael (NP) 2405

Lavelle, Brendan (NP) 172

Loftus, Gerry (NP) 542

McDonnell, Al (FF) 1631

McLoughlin, Martin (FF) 834

Moran, Tom (IP) 42

O'Sullivan, Maura (SF) 206

Shalomon, Maksym (NP) 35

Sheridan, Donna (FG) 996

Uddin, Kamal (Lab) 228

Elected: Michael Kilcoyne and Ger Deere

The second count moves now to distribution of Kilcoyne surplus.


Distribution of Kilcoyne surplus

Barrett +57 (800)

Browne +2 (156)

Burke +38 (1,396)

Daly +11 (257)

Gavin +122 (1,648)

Geraghty +35 (477)

Hyland +28 (627)

Kerr +36 (935)

Lavelle +9 (181)

Loftus +23 (565)

McDonnell +72 (1,703)

McLoughlin +32 (867)

Moran +3 (45)

O'Sullivan +10 (216)

Shalomon +1 (36)

Sheridan +41 (1,037)

Uddin +6 (234)

Third count will see distribution of Deere's surplus.


81 votes from Ger Deere's surplus

Barrett +9 - (809)

Browne +0 - (156)

Burke - +15 - (1411)

Daly - +1 - (258)

Gavin - +16 - (1664)

Geraghty +3 - (480)

Hyland +2 - (629)

Uddin -+3 - (237)

Kerr +1 - (936)

Lavelle +1 - (182)

Loftus +1 - (566)

McDonnell +6 - (1,709)

McLoughlin +8 - (875)

Moran +0 - (45)

O’Sullivan - 1 - (217)

Maksym - 0 - (36)

Sheridan - 14 - (1051)

Maksym and Moran now eliminated and to be distributed


Barrett +6 - (815)

Browne +1 - 157

Burke +2 - 1,413

Daly +3 - 261

Gavin +0 - 1,664

Geraghty +6 - 486

Hyland +7 - 636

Uddin +7 - 244

Kerr +25 - 961

Lavelle +3 - 185

Loftus +2 - 568

McDonnell +1 - 1,710

McLoughlin +0 - 875

O’Sullivan +3 - 220

Sheridan +4 - 1,055

Aidan Browne eliminated and vote to be distributed


Aidan Browne (Social Democrat) vote being distributed

Barrett +17 - 832

Burke +3 - 1,416

Daly +25 - 286

Gavin +2 - 1,666

Geraghty +2 - 488

Hyland +5 - 641

Uddin +15 - 259

Kerr +4 - 965

Lavelle +10 - 195

Loftus +44 - 612

McDonnell +7 - 1,717

McLoughlin +5 - 880

O’Sullivan +2 - 222

Sheridan +7 - 1,062

None elected on this count

Brendan Lavelle to be distributed shortly


Barrett +28 - 860

Burke +5 - 1,421

Daly +7 - 293

Gavin +28 - 1,694

Geraghty +13 - 501

Hyland +6 - 647

Uddin +2 - 261

Kerr +11 - 976

Loftus +35 - 647

McDonnell +5 - 1,722

McLoughlin +12 - 892

O’Sullivan +4 - 226

Sheridan +17 - 1,079

No one elected on this count

Maura O’Sullivan (Sinn Féin) to be distributed shortly.


Distribution of Maura O’Sullivan (Sinn Féin)

Barrett +8 - 868

Burke +4 - 1,425

Daly +11 - 304

Gavin +5 - 1,699

Geraghty +4 - 505

Hyland +142 +789

Uddin +4 - 265

Kerr + 4 - 980

Loftus +6 - 653

McDonnell +12 - 1,734

McLoughlin +7 - 899

Sheridan +9 - 1,088

10 non-transferable votes

Kamal Uddin is now eliminated and his votes are to be distributed shortly.


Kamal Uddin's distribution

Barrett +41 - 909

Burke +18 - 1,443

Daly +28 - 332

Gavin +17 - 1,716

Geraghty +13 - 518

Hyland +23 - 812

Kerr +6 - 986

Loftus +5 - 658

McDonnell +17 - 1,751

McLoughlin +5 - 904

Sheridan +12 - 1,100

80 non-transferable votes.

No one is elected at this stage.

Distribution of Joe Daly’s votes is to commence shortly.


Distribution of Joe Daly’s (PBP-SOL) vote

Barrett +84 - 993

Burke +10 - 1,453

Gavin +24 - 1,740

Geraghty +15 - 533

Hyland +91 - 903

Kerr +10 - 996

Loftus +11 - 669

McDonnell +15 - 1,766

McLoughlin +8 - 912

Sheridan +18 - 1,118

46 non-transferable

Donal Geraghty's vote of 563 is to be distributed shortly.

4:25 a.m


Donal Geraghty distribution

Barrett +91 - 1084

Burke + 41 - 1,494

Gavin + 90 - 1,830

Hyland + 50 - 953

Kerr + 61 - 1,057

Loftus + 27 - 696

McDonnell + 29 - 1,795

McLoughlin + 16 - 928

Sheridan + 38 - 1,156

Gerry Loftus' vote is to be distributed now

Quota 1877 in Castlebar

There are 7 seats up for grabs here.

We are one hour from sunrise here in Castlebar and still after ten counts, only two candidates have been elected.


Gerry Loftus' vote distribution

Barrett + 70 - 1,154

Burke + 45 - 1,539

Gavin + 106 - 1,936

Hyland + 54 - 1,007

Kerr + 43 - 1,100

McDonnell + 39 - 1,834

McLoughlin + 124 - 1,052

Sheridan + 61 - 1,217

Surplus of Blackie Gavin will now be redistributed as he has been deemed elected after exceeding the quota.


Barrett + 13 (1,167)

Burke + 7 (1,546)

Hyland + 5 (1,012)

Kerr + 2 (1,102)

McDonnell + 5 (1,839)

McLoughlin +14 (1,068)

Sheridan +13 (1,230).

Eliminated: Donna Hyland (SF).


Barrett +214 - (1,381)

Burke +62 - (1,608)

Kerr +81 - (1,183)

McDonnell +79 - (1,918)

McLoughlin +45 - 1,113

Donna - +127 - 1,357

Elected: McDonnell

Eliminated: McLoughlin.


Distribution of McLoughlin vote

Barrett +194 (1,575)

Burke +171 (1,779)

Kerr +43 (1,226)

Sheridan + 176 (1,533)

Elected: Burke, Barrett, Sheridan elected


11.25 full first preference tally: Harry Barrett (708), Aidan Browne (147), Cyril Burke (1309), Joe Daly (227), Ger Deere (1866), Blackie Gavin (1454), Donal Geraghty (444), Donna Hyland (563), Kamal Uddin (224), Stephen Kerr (874), Michael Kilcoyne (2309), Brendan Lavelle (181), Gerry Loftus (516), Al Mcdonnell (1548), Martin McLoughlin (791), Tom Moran (40), Maura O'Sullivan (201), Maksym Shalomon (36), Donna Sheridan (909).

11.20: The party breakdowns in Castlebar are Independents (38%), FG (23%), FF (26%), SF (5%) and Labour (2%).

Analysis: With all boxes tallied in Castlebar, Stephen Kerr (Independent) is in contention for the sixth or seventh seat in Castlebar depending on transfers.

The others look to be heading to Michael Kilcoyne (Ind), Ger Deere (FG), Al McDonnell, (FF), Blackie Gavin (FF), Cyril Burke (FG) and Donna Sheridan (FG).

However, Harry Barrett (Ind) can't be ruled out and neither can outgoing Councillor Martin McLoughlin (FF).

11.10: 100% of the Castlebar boxes are open - Kilcoyne heading the poll with 16% of the vote (2309), Deere second on 13% (1866), McDonnell on 11% (1548), Gavin on 10% (1454), Burke with 9% (1309), Sheridan on 6% (909), Kerr on 6% (874), McLoughlin (791), Barrett (708).

10.25: First of the St. Anthony's school boxes open - top votes include Barrett (35), Deere (78), Gavin (67), Kerr (37), Kilcoyne (57), Sheridan (28).

10.15: Top four in Glenisland and Cloggernagh boxes - an even enough spread between Deere, Gavin, Kilcoyne and McLoughlin.

10.10: Turlough votes seem to be well spread out among the candidates - Barrett (50), Deere (124), Gavin (83), Kilcoyne (121), Kerr (33), McDonnell (30), McLoughlin (41).

10.05: Donna Sheridan picking up 145 votes in one of the Balla NS boxes - Cyril Burke with a strong showing there too.

10.00: Three of the seven Castlebar primary school boxes are now open - Ger Deere heading the poll (225), Gavin (152), Kilcoyne (131), Harry Barrett taking 124 out of those boxes.

09.55: Martin McLoughlin polling top of the table in the Cornanool NS box - 69. Strong showing from Ger Deere (66), Kilcoyne (36), Gavin (25).

09.50: Three of the Scoil Raifteiri boxes now open where Kilcoyne has around 240 first preferences. Deere closest contender in these boxes at around 150 votes.

09.45: One of the two Breaffy NS boxes is tallied and figures between candidates are close : Ger Deere (51), Michael Kilcoyne (47), Cyril Burke (46), Blackie Gavin (42), Al McDonnell (33), Stephen Kerr (31), Donna Sheridan (14) and Harry Barrett (12).

09.40: Two Castlebar town boxes open.

Michael Kilcoyne flying in Scoil Raifteiri with 114 first preferences. Nearest contender Donna Hyland on 20.

One Castlebar Primary School box open with very little to separate Kilcoyne (43), Blackie Gavin (50) and Ger Deere (45).

09.30: First three boxs have been tallied.

In Cloggernagh NS, Ger Deere received 78 first preference votes, according to the FG tally. Martin McLoughlin follows with 40, Michael Kilcoyne 32, and Blackie Gavin (28).

Carnacon: As expected, huge support for Al McDonnell (114 first preferences), Cyril Burke following on 39 and Kilcoyne on 32 votes.

Straide NS: Al McDonnell top of the class there (44), followed by Kilcoyne (35).

08.30: First boxes are due to be opened at 9 a.m. and the tally people are ready to go.