How Mayo voted: All the latest from the Swinford count

FINAL RESULT IN: It took up until midnight on Monday, with two recounts, to decide the seats in the Swinford Electoral Area.

The recounts both confirmed Sinn Féin's John Sheahan was to lose out on the final seat by just one vote.

The four councillors elected are: Gerry Murray, Adrian Forkan, John Caulfield and Neil Cruise.

Monday latest:

8.30 a.m. The recount in the Swinford Electoral Area will get underway at the count centre in Castlebar at 10 a.m.

Latest (9.40 p.m. Sunday): A recount will take place in the Swinford Electoral Area tomorrow (Monday).

Just one vote between John Sheahan and Neil Cruise for the last seat at the end of counting on Sunday.

5 p.m.: Gerry Murray (Sinn Féin) tops the poll. No one elected on first count. Adrian Forkan (Fianna Fáil) in second.

6 p.m. Second count completed. No seats filled; Tommy Horan of Aontú eliminated.

6.35 p.m.: Gerry Murray first councillor elected in Swinford LEA. Antoinette Peyton (Fine Gael) eliminated. Fourth count underway.

8 p.m.: Looking very dramatic here heading into fifth vote with just 64 votes separating top and bottom of remaining four candidates: John Caulfield (1,600), Cruise (1,633), Forkan (1,664), Sheahan (1,611). The word 'recount' starting to appear in the conversations in the count room.

9.30 p.m.: Recount requested with just one vote separating Sheahan and Cruise for the final seat.

No. seats: 4

Total poll: 8,826

Invalid votes: 109

Total valid poll: 8,717

Quota: 1,744


Caulfield, John (FF) 1,325

Cruise, Neil (FG) 1,251

Forkan Adrian (FF) 1,460

Forkin, Sean (NP) 99

Gordon, Marion (IP) 191

Horan, Tommy (Aon) 620

Murray, Gerry (SF) 1,586

Peyton, Antoinette (FG) 877

Sheahan, John (SF) 1,308

Eliminated: Forkin and Gordon


Distribution of the Forkin and Gordon votes

Caulfield +13 (1,338)

Cruise +31 (1,282)

Forkan +17 (1,477)

Horan +84 (704)

Murray +27 (1,613)

Peyton +12 (889)

Sheahan +11 (1,319)

(95 not transferable votes)

Eliminated: Horan

Third count will see Horan votes distributed.


Distribution of Horan votes

Caulfield +137 (1,475)

Cruise +26 (1,308)

Forkan +49 (1,526)

Murray +205 (1,791)

Peyton +63 (952)

Sheahan +42 (1,361)

Elected: Murray


Distribution of Peyton votes

Caulfield +125 (1,600)

Cruise +325 (1,633)

Forkan +138 (1,664)

Sheahan +250 (1,611)

(No one elected)

Fifth count will see distribution of Murray vote.


Distribution of Murray vote

Caulfield +41 (1,641)

Cruise +4 (1,637)

Forkan +4 (1,668)

Sheahan +25 (1,636)

Eliminated: Sheahan

Elected: Forkan, Cruise, Caulfield

Recount requested and to proceed Monday


First preference tally figures: John Caulfield (1248), Neil Cruise (1238), Adrian Forkan (1384), Sean Forkin (107), Marion Gordon (175), Tommy Horan (567), Gerry Murray (1337), Antoinette Peyton (752), John Sheahan (1154).

16.00: Big bounce for Adrian Forkan in the second Kiltimagh town box and his home polling station of Kinaffe as he's nudged ahead of Gerry Murray to top poll.

Forkan (1384), Murray (1337), with Neil Cruise and John Caulfield neck in neck, closely followed by John Sheahan.

13.55: The big news from Swinford electoral area is that Sinn Féin are filling the top two seats with half the boxes opened. John Sheehan has 19% of the vote (868) with Gerry Murray on 18% (839).

It's looking like a battle royal could be on the cards for the second two seats between John Caulfield (671), Adrian Forkan (681) and Neil Cruise (629).

Don't rule Antoinette Peyton out as she lies just one point off party colleague Cruise on 12%.