Outgoing Councillor Martin McLoughlin, pictured at the count centre today, looks to be in a fight for the final seat in Castlebar. Photo: Alison Laredo

Looking like dogfight for last seat in Castlebar

By Caoimhin Rowland

THE final seats in the Castlebar Electoral Area is looking like a dogfight between sitting councillors Donna Sheridan (6.3%) and Martin McLoughlin (5.5%), with challenges coming from Independents Stephen Kerr (6.1%) and Harry Barrett (4.9%).

Gerry Loftus (3.6%), Independent, and Donal Geraghty (3.1%), Independent Ireland, didn’t receive a strong push of first preference votes and are unlikely to be in the contest for a seat in the council chamber.

Sinn Féin similarly are not going to win a seat in Castlebar. Both Donna Hyland (3.9%) and Maura O’Sullivan (1.4%) haven’t received the same backing Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh did in the 2020 general election from the people of Castlebar.

An official first count from the Castlebar LEA is expected late afternoon/early evening.

Projection based on tally figures

Candidates with a surplus:

Michael Kilcoyne (16%), Independent

Ger Deere (13%), Fine Gael

Safe to return:

Al McDonnell (10.8%), Fianna Fáil

Blackie Gavin (10%), Fianna Fáil

Cyril Burke (9%), Fine Gael

Battle for final two seats:

Donna Sheridan (6.3%), Fine Gael

Stephen Kerr (6%), Independent

Martin McLoughlin (5.5%), Fianna Fáil

Harry Barrett (5%), Independent

Outside chances:

Donna Hyland (4%), Sinn Féin

Gerry Loftus (3.6%), Independent